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Eleanor Bigden

CBT For Anger

Eleanor Bigden offers CBT for anger in Central London and in online sessions, to suit you.

We’re all used to feeling anger at one point or another. Whether you’re having a hugely frustrating time of one thing after another not working out in life, or your boss, your partner or your kids aren't listening to you, or you find yourself angry at the current state of the world. It’s normal to feel angry sometimes, and when we do, we can find ourselves either pushing that anger down in ways that don't work, or taking it out on those dear to us in ways we later regret.

Whilst we may sometimes find ourselves getting angry at the seemingly not so big things in life - and then getting angry at ourselves because of that - sometimes anger can arise due to extremely high stress levels that have built up over time, or due to significant past issues not being resolved. For some it may be unresolved or unhealed trauma : whether the trauma of bullying, abuse, betrayal, or major experiences of powerlessness, injustice or shock, these can be hugely impactful on our emotions. These experiences may have happened to you in the past, or may still be happening now.

Whilst anger is always very understandable when looked at in terms of our life journey, it can of course be problematic for us when it leads to further suffering, either for ourselves or those around us. And sometimes how we relate to anger can lead to worsening circumstances such as increased isolation and disconnection or a sense of being out of control. This can end up causing a vicious cycle to occur.

If you recognise any of these to be true to you, or you perhaps feel angry but aren’t sure as to where it stems from, having some sessions with Eleanor Bigden could help you to get some really helpful - and healing - new perspectives, insights, tools and strategies so you can respond to anger in in very different ways and change your direction in life.

Eleanor is passionate about building a positive relationship with you to ensure you feel safe and comfortable exploring your anger and getting to the crux of what will help you the very most. Eleanor will always take you seriously and help you feel truly heard and understood. At the same time, you may be surprised to know that Eleanor also has a great sense of humour, so sessions can also be playful and funny if that helps you feel less stressed, a sense of relief and adds to a sense of really positive, supportive and constructive teamwork with her.

As CBT and therapy of any kind can feel pretty intense, Eleanor 's take is that having some flexibility between facing the tough stuff in a gutsy way, as well as bringing in some lightness is a really valuable balance in both therapy teamwork, as well as in the rest of life, and she likes to help people find this for themselves.

As they say, knowledge is power, and so Eleanor can help you learn about anger in a way that'll make really useful sense for you. You’ll get the opportunity to learn how to harness it, channel it and express it in the most useful and constructive ways too: ways that will be empowering for you and can bring some change for the better to the things you care about.

If you’d like to find out more about Eleanor’s CBT sessions for anger, get in touch via the contact form where you can arrange a face-to-face or Skype session today.

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