Invest in CBT therapy for confidence and open up a lot more fulfilling opportunities on your life path.
The way in which we hold ourselves can make all the difference in our day to day lives. Affecting work and home life, confidence can play a key role in being truly happy with ourselves and accepting and loving who we are. If you feel like your self-esteem is low or you’re struggling to see your inner potential, perhaps it’s time you invested in some help to see how much you are truly worth.
Whilst there are various options when it comes to therapy, CBT offers a practical approach that involves the client and therapist working together. Underneath the CBT umbrella, there are different approaches which Eleanor is able to apply to each client depending on the needs and situation.
Eleanor Bigden is a fully qualified CBT therapist and is passionate about approaching each session with a practical mind and positive presence. Eleanor has specialist training in areas such as a BSc (hons) Occupational Therapy, Diploma in Belief Therapy for Addictions (2007) and Post Graduate Core Training in EMDR for trauma, panic and phobias (2017-18).
If you would like to learn more about Eleanor and her approach to CBT, take a look around the website today. To speak to Eleanor and receive a free phone consultation, call now on 07507 376 875.